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Cold Fission Sewage Water Renewal Technology
The problems with treating heavily polluted water have been around for decades, normally different types of filters, filter mediums, chemical additives, and so many other mixtures of differing technologies are currently in use.
But the major and more serious problems are never discussed, the real issues are not just fecal coliforms, bacterial levels, low pH, color and odor, but the more serious problems.
When humans pass urine and feces other substances pass through our bodies, the pharmaceuticals we all consume, including, female hormones (from the contraceptive pill), hair dies, washing detergents, soaps, shampoos, (made up of chemicals) and so many other substances end up in our sewage water, Very few current technologies can break down and destroy these substances.
Up until now there was no real solution to removing these unhealthy even toxic substances from not only sewage water but in some cases from the water we consume. Most sewage plants try to remove the Ammonia (NH3) with nitrifying bacteria, which is then converted into nitrite (NO2) and then into Nitrate, (NO3) these bacteria only work in water temperatures above 15 degrees C, at colder temperatures they go into hibernation.
At last, the solution has arrived, Cold Fission Water Renewal Technology can full remediate sewage water in the following ways, Cold Fission can destroy the atoms in water for the first time, this low energy, low pressure system can destroy any atomic element with more than one electron.
Ammonia (NH3) is destroyed because the 7 electron Nitrogen (N) element is broken down and destroyed, which releases the three hydrogens to float away, phosphates (PO4) even forever chemicals like PFAS, Dieldrin, 245T,agent orange, heavy metals like copper, cadmium, chromium, and so many others are broken down and destroyed at an atomic level.
Any other elements like hormones, pharmaceuticals, detergents, or any other elements made up from chemicals are no longer present in the water. Sewage water can now be renewed to safe discharge standards or to potable water standards if required. Elements like color, odor, including bacteria like fecal coliform, even if it is into the millions.
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Cold Fission Sewage Water Renewal Technology
The problems with treating heavily polluted water have been around for decades, normally different types of filters, filter mediums, chemical additives, and so many other mixtures of differing technologies are currently in use.
But the major and more serious problems are never discussed, the real issues are not just fecal coliforms, bacterial levels, low pH, color and odor, but the more serious problems.
When humans pass urine and feces other substances pass through our bodies, the pharmaceuticals we all consume, including, female hormones (from the contraceptive pill), hair dies, washing detergents, soaps, shampoos, (made up of chemicals) and so many other substances end up in our sewage water, Very few current technologies can break down and destroy these substances.
Up until now there was no real solution to removing these unhealthy even toxic substances from not only sewage water but in some cases from the water we consume. Most sewage plants try to remove the Ammonia (NH3) with nitrifying bacteria, which is then converted into nitrite (NO2) and then into Nitrate, (NO3) these bacteria only work in water temperatures above 15 degrees C, at colder temperatures they go into hibernation.
At last, the solution has arrived, Cold Fission Water Renewal Technology can full remediate sewage water in the following ways, Cold Fission can destroy the atoms in water for the first time, this low energy, low pressure system can destroy any atomic element with more than one electron.
Ammonia (NH3) is destroyed because the 7 electron Nitrogen (N) element is broken down and destroyed, which releases the three hydrogens to float away, phosphates (PO4) even forever chemicals like PFAS, Dieldrin, 245T,agent orange, heavy metals like copper, cadmium, chromium, and so many others are broken down and destroyed at an atomic level.
Any other elements like hormones, pharmaceuticals, detergents, or any other elements made up from chemicals are no longer present in the water. Sewage water can now be renewed to safe discharge standards or to potable water standards if required. Elements like color, odor, including bacteria like fecal coliform, even if it is into the millions.
Hydrogen Production from Natural and other Gases by destroying the Carbon (C) electrons.
List of suitable Gases for conversion to hydrogen:
The ability of Cold Fission Hydrogen Generation Technology has the ability to break down and destroy the electrons of all atoms tested up to date containing more than 1 electron. Our Cold Fission Water Testing has shown that we don’t have the ability to destroy Hydrogens. 12 months ago, we decided that we would destroy the Deuterium (H2) in water because as we all know it is radioactive and takes up 10.6% of water by weight. (we all consume radiation every day) So, we decided that we would sell Deuterium reduced water, which is an expensive water, even if the Deuterium level is only reduced to a lower level.
We then set up our small laboratory Cold Fission Reactor in an attempt to destroy the Deuterium (H2) atom, having been able to destroy all other atoms that we have processed through our small Cold Fission Reactor. Well after having completed around a dozen test runs over many days with various settings, I had made no progress. Then finally the penny dropped, we finally realized, after some advice from my chief engineer, who had stated, Sir I think you are destroying the electrons surrounding the atoms. Maybe I could only destroy atoms with more than 1 electron. (What a Massive Scientific World Changing Discovery).
So now I realized that Protium (H1) Deuterium (H2) and Tritium (H3) could not be broken down or destroyed in our “Cold Fission” Water Reaction Chambers! Up until this time the scientists that I had been working with believed that although we were destroying chemical compounds, (which are made up from molecules of atoms), that this was happening because they believed that we were creating a special form of advanced oxidation. (Unfortunately, they were educated to believe that atoms were indestructible, (Remember science previously believed that you could not split the atom!
Previous to my Deuterium (H2) testing we had just turned seawater into fresh potable water by running it through the Fission Reactors, only a small single sand filter of about 60 microns was used, to pre filter the sea water to remove any large solids, not to remove the salt. The small Fission Reaction chamber turned the Salt Water into Fresh potable water in around 5 minutes from entering to out flow from the small Fission Reaction Chambers.
Well, when we examined the laboratory water testing results in minute detail, they all pointed to the fact that atoms were definitely being destroyed. Then one morning my design engineer in charge of manufacturing commented again and stated, Ian, I think you are definitely “destroying the electrons surrounding the Atoms”. After this comment I started to examine all of the development settings of our Small Fission Reactor that I first Invented in Australia, I then moved my examination to the many laboratory water tests that we had conducted over many years. (This is old technology not the Cold Fission Technology we use today).
After around a month of going over and over the many laboratory water testing of the raw untreated input water, before and after testing results, it became very clear that we were absolutely destroying every Atom that was passing through the Reactor EXCEPT for the single electron Hydrogens. It was now clear that we were breaking down the electrons attached to the rings or shells, we believe that the rings or shells were collapsing and were no longer surrounding the elements, then we came to the belief that after the rings or shells had collapsed that the Protons and Neutrons were simply falling apart. This now clearly illustrated why chemicals were no longer present in the water after Fission treatment testing, and nothing was being discharged from the reactors by way of liquids. Remember if there is no atom then there is no substance to discharge.
“Important to Note”: We do NOT split the atom!! But we do break the electrons down, then the rings collapse and the protons and neutrons will fall apart, so no explosions can occur, we know we are destroying the Atoms as the substances, the multitude of chemical substances initially in the water reduced or were no longer present in the water, and no discharge of any liquid substances had left the system, only a few gases, that we were omitting through the open exhaust system, we now know were mainly Hydrogen gases (H2) were exiting the system in small quantities.
I know it’s hard to accept but it must be understood that if the Atomic substance are broken down and destroyed, then the substance no longer exists. (Please Note: Cold Fission Reactors do NOT Backwash) and this is not a filtering system. This is easy to demonstrate when salt no longer exists in what was previously sea water, if there is NO ATOM, THEN NO SUBSTANCE CAN EXIST. We know this is not oxidation because oxidation cannot destroy atoms. This is Cold Fission NOT Hot Fusion, or atomic Fission, no heat is created in this technology and the water, and gases do not contain any radiation.
When Cold Fission Reactors are working they do not backwash as they are NOT filters, I had initially designed an open ended exhaust system at the top of the small laboratory Reactor so as not to create back pressure, so when we destroyed the Ammonia (NH3) in sewage water, the 3 indestructible Hydrogens (H2) atoms attached to a single nitrogen (N) atom with 7 now destructible electrons. Now as the Nitrogen atom is destroyed it then releases the 3 Hydrogens (H2) atoms with their 1 single indestructible electron to float up at speed to be captured. Hydrogen can rise at 20 meters per second (60 plus feet) and passes out of the Reactor Chambers through the free flowing exhaust to atmosphere or capture.
We also now realized that we were destroying the Carbon (C) atoms with their now destructible 6 electrons. Please Note: All Carbon (C) atoms are destroyed, (They no longer exist!!) Not released back into the atmosphere. We examined the saltwater results and once again noted that the Fission Reactor was destroying the Sodium (Na) with its 11 destructible electrons and Chloride (Cl) with its 17 destructible electrons. We now understand that Atoms with large numbers of smaller electrons with more rings or shells are quicker and easier to break down and destroy. Atoms such as lead with 82 destructible electrons and Atoms like radioactive Radon 222 (Rn) with 86 destructible electrons, are easy to destroy. (Please view water test No1) Atomic elements like Boron with 5 very large (But still very destructible electrons) require a little more time in passing through the Reactor chambers around 5 minutes from entering the system to outflow is fine.
Now let’s look at the following gases like methane (CH4) and other gases with Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H2) molecular structures. All gases like Hydrogen (H2) with its 1 single indestructible electron, are attached via a molecular structure to the destructible Carbon (C) with 6 very destructible electrons. The molecular structures of these elements can be turned into pure Hydrogen (H2) gas in seconds if added in a constant flow into the new Cold Fission Water Reactor Chambers while in operation.
We believe that more Hydrogen (H2) will come from the Reactor Chamber than the Gas that is being added because the sacrificial Oxygen (O) atom with it 8 destructible electrons will continue to be broken down and destroyed and will continuously release the two Hydrogen (H1) atoms by the thousands every second, which will join the additional Hydrogen(H2) coming from the destroyed Carbon (C) elements that were part of the molecular structure of the now destroyed molecular structure of the Methane (CH4) or from other gases mentioned below. Please view the molecular structure of these other gases. Remember once the Carbon (C) is destroyed all you have is Hydrogen (H2). No Carbon (C) atoms can remain so no Carbons (C) will return to atmosphere. This is a , GREEN HYDROGEN Technology!!! (google the atomic or elements name, and add molecular structure then click image). Aso please view report No1 & No2 for Carbon and other destructible elements.
Methane (CH4), Propylene (C3H4), Ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8), Butane (C4H10), Pentane (C5H12), Hexane (C6H14), Heptane (C7H 16), Octane (C8H18).
Plus, many others, most of these gases may be suitable for conversion to Hydrogen (H2). If gases have other substances attached, even poisonous substances the Cold Fission Reaction will destroy them, remember if they are chemicals, they will be destroyed all except the indestructible single electron Hydrogen (H2). I believe that any costs involved in converting these gases to Hydrogen gas will be covered by the additional Hydrogen which the Reactors will create while breaking down the Carbon (C) along with any other unwanted elements. The New Reactor designs to convert these gasses are already completed. So, if you have a Carbon (C) problem it is very probable that we may give it back to you as Renewable Green Hydrogen (H2) Fuel, so instead of an expense you have will now have the worlds cleanest fuel.
In addition, any toxic substances produced by manufacturing, including mining including Coal, Gold, Uranium, or any other mineral substance, it will in almost all cases be neutralized by this Cold Fission Reaction System. Even cyanide will be destroyed in these Cold Fission Reactors. The biggest advantage is that there will be no toxic discharge created. In My earlier life I completed a start up on a gas production Plant as a control room operator, and as a shift Boss in a gold mine.