investing in your future


The breakthroughs that has led to the creation of this possible world changing technology has taken place over the past 12 years as we initially developed the technology to treat a range of very  polluted water, up to a safe discharge or to a potable quality, plus a range of heavily polluted wastewater either contaminated by sewage or industrial chemicals, including salt or saline contaminated water.

FISSION HYDROGEN & WATER AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, a newly formed company established to exploit the intellectual property, “Patents Pending” Australia, including  Licensing, designs, and know-how, which has been developed to produce Hydrogen gas by breaking down Methane  (CH4) and similar carbon based gases, desalinate, and purify water by using groundbreaking Cold Fission Technology.


Invest in the future

Possible Future Fuel and Power Generation Applications

In the future vehicle Fuel stations may be able to produce their own Green Renewable Hydrogen gas-on site and on-demand for commercial or retail sales, (This is a great potential opportunity for oil companies to participate) to fuel Trucks, Buses, and Cars, or provide Green Cold Fission Energy Generation, for mines, or any heavy industry like steel mills, cities or towns. No more Co2 pollution. ”Save the planet, and you save the people” lets decarbonize the planet now!

Sustainable growth

The Offer

After 12 years of extensive water research, it is now time to cash in on the companies Cold Fission Water Renewal Technology producing gas destruction Technology and Cold Fission Desalination Water Renewal Technologies. This is not so much about creating share growth but by Licensing the company’s intellectual property in the form of Licenses and extensive knowledge in all fields to create profits for the company to distribute as potentially solid dividends for our shareholders.